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Sorry to Bother You

Feature Film • 2018 • IMDb
Role: Graphic Designer (Courtney)
Dir. Boots Riley
Production Designer: Jason Kisvarday
With Annapurna Pictures

In an alternate present-day version of Oakland, black telemarketer Cassius Green discovers a magical key to professional success, which propels him into a macabre universe.

I worked with Production Designer Jason Kisvarday to create a huge array of graphics, from large scale (billboards, signage, storefront displays) to small (book covers, magazines, labels, and other hero prop graphics). The world in which this story takes place is stylized and surreal and extremely graphics-heavy, with branding and marketing playing a big part in the design. The goal was to create a world with its own visual style.


Filmed in Oakland, California
Premiered at Sundance Film Festival
Theatrical Release Summer 2018


‘Sorry to Bother You’ on Filmgrab

Review: ‘Sorry to Bother You,’ but Can I Interest You in a Wild Dystopian Satire? • New York Times

Sorry to Bother You’ is on the Money • Vanity Fair